Amsterdam, NL, 3 March 2025
What’s in Our Journey Today?
We lived at a Planet where PEACE let to be HOPED for.
We've been in World War III, with a lot of economical battles.
People complementing with People let a lot to be WISHED for,
with all that nasty competition.
Ever had to downgrade on meals/drinks/Bodycare/clothes/
living environment/means of transportation?
competition, competition...
... Let's dissolve that FAMILY opposing behaviour
from Our FAMILY Economy.
We try to work with/update what was passed on from earlier generations, meaning Our Current Economical Trade System.
I have Invented: Family System: FAMILY.BUSINESS™ at this Site,
in March 2024, which started as Invention:
Community System: COMMUNITY.BUSINESS™ in 17 August 2023,
in My 50th Jubilee Year. (
This Family System could be The Key for a HEALTHY FAMILY Economy, by Solving unemployment with a Creative FAMILY Community Artisan Way-Of-Life, with Ideally 'Living Wages'.
For those with some Artisan Experience, there may be Solopreneurship related to Artisan Teachings & Guidance, which may start as a YourFamily.Pro™ | YourFamilyProject™-Initiative and maybe next try to Companyzer™ into (a) YourFamily.Company™-Instance.
(No financial fee asked by PROGRAM.INTERNATIONAL to
Participate with your Family Household.)
We Are All FAMILY of each OTHER/Other/other, I believe.
Treat The Public as FAMILY Members 1st, Customers 2nd...
Michael Roeten (1974)
Founder President Director
for Reference also
PEACE: Priority, Settling: Secondary, Let Us Try To Solve Our Inherited Universal Quest.
Are You With Us?
You may be well aware that HOPE for PEACE and working to try to attain PEACE and after that Biological Physical Human bodies replaced with Immortal Bodies (in the blink of an eye) is The LOGICAL thing to do, instead of before PEACE trying to live in an illusional paradise bubble.
Note: You may take to heart that you’ve tried More than Very Good with what was given to you, including your belief system you did not self design. This may seem strange to your ears, your past went exactly as it was meant to go.
What if you think: “I’m trying to get by without ‘making waves’, I try to be comfortable, because why would I accept risks that could jeopardize that comfort?”
First of all, you being here ‘makes waves’ and not accepting risks for the right chances could seriously jeopardize comfort you experience. Passive living is a big risk, you are here for active living and active living may be blessed and you can experience happiness and satisfaction, knowing you’re actively doing your part.
Then there’s another reason that may activate you and that is this one: “The Kingdom” will have higher Job spaces available for those with experience. It’s like muscles that received training, thinking about others’ wellbeing. Example: Being King/Queen is also very much a supportive role and there’s no room for an ego-centered attitude and work approach.
You are asked to support your Family Members (not help, Agape has left this Universe, so not really asking for heroic actions anymore. You being here may be more important for PEACE situation in this Universe, than of those you try to ‘save’. Plus, not causing a biological physical threat makes you not responsible and if it was by accident, you could not prevent that either, again no heroic action asked.). You are asked to be a PEACE Maker, and this I believe this to be true… they shall inherit PEACE. That is not to say that others do not enter “The Kingdom”, it’s that those with experience and trained consideration muscles, will be able to fill higher Job positions with on average more rest. Those that sat back to relax A LOT, couldn’t prevent that and was meant to happen, however the more comfortable/relaxing Jobs go to the ones that worked more for wellbeing of others, because they are educated more. It would take time to teach People later and if you choose to act now, chance is that you qualify earlier for higher Jobs, also when PEACE is attained. Also, those whom have "worked The Field" will probably on average have more Intimacy (sex-sex) with others.
Feels like a plan? If yes, then continue reading…
Ability to sin ended approximately 1975 years ago, when "Jesus" fulfilled the old "Hebrew" Law. As a result that old "Hebrew" Law ended. People were still able to do evil actions (evil: a cargo of magic. In past evil was a cargo of Magic too, however BLACK was recently RECONCILED (In 29 August 2023) with WHITE (not about skin colour) and BOTH had tried to do MORE THAN VERY GOOD with what was given to THEM.) Recently SPIRITUALLY UNLOCKED that All BEINGS/Beings/beings Connected to this UNIVERSE are INNOCENT and ALL/All/all tried MORE THAN VERY GOOD with what was given to them, including their Belief Systems & Situations they did not SELF/Self/self Design.
I believe that all evil cargo has to be DISSOLVED for the NEXT PHASE TO COME.
I do not believe that all of the Christian Bible is true. Some I believe to be true, like 1 John 2:2 "atonement for all sins of the world", however not that all of book 1 John is true. "Jesus", with THE HOLY SPIRIT Realm and steering from therein, overcame the 75% animal nature part of "Jesus" and thereafter had 100% Human Nature. "Joseph" (O.T. & N.T.) and "Solomon", the Same Person, had 100% Human Nature. After "Joseph" (O.T.) died Biological Physical, "ex-Joseph" did not go to the place where all others went to, before "Jesus" overcame rest of animal nature, and therefore was able to return as "Solomon". The others had to wait to be released in order to be reincarnated. "Joseph" (N.T.) was Biological Physical Father of "Jesus". "Joseph" & "Mary" had intimacy before the wedding, because the "Hebrew" Law did not apply to "Joseph". That "Solomon" had multiple "wives" was not a short-circuit situation for 100% Human Natured "Solomon".
Saying a statement (not a question) is giving, however is chosen NOT from Mind, however is chosen from Belief System (Collection) and this statement is given from this Collection and NOT from Mind, whom is Experiencing.
That some experienced perceived 'Male'-feelings, had to do with left-over-residue from Ex-Zen-nature-which-was-an-unnaturally-fabricated-nature-with-approximately-10%-authentic-interface-part. There were techniques, which if given ability to practice, cleared Ex-Zen-residue from Mind & Ghostly Body. Though this practice in General was not a one-time practice, because after some time there was new Ex-Zen residue at Mind & Ghostly Body. Until all Ex-Zen residue IN THE SPIRIT is gone, there probably is clearing to be done. This clearing facilitated recycling this Ex-Zen residue into Basic Family Resources for use other than as Ex-Zen-nature-parts.
Parallel UNIVERSE Exists and I expect that We will be UNITED in a NEW REALM with those currently in Parallel UNIVERSE.
Marriage requirement ended approximately 1975 years ago and was no longer necessary for Sexual Intercourse Intimacy. It became Polyamory (instead of monogamy)
Since approximately 1975 years ago, Spiritual Short-Circuit situations no longer happened as a result of Sexual Intercourse Intimacy with someone else with same Sexe.
There is no financial compensation (neither gold, jewelry or other PAYMENT/Payment/payment) for SEXUAL/Sexual/sexual (INTERCOURSE/Intercourse/intercourse) INTIMACY/Intimacy/intimacy. Many GIFTS/Gifts/gifts were given, however not as a payment for SEX/Sex/sex, because that was not possible.
With sexual intimate actions, there is never only 1 being involved, because SPIRITUALLY there is CONNECTION/Connection with 1 or more and that is not a Short-Circuit situation since approximately 1975 years ago.
During sexual intimacy, (an) object(s) may be (SPIRITUALLY) connected to an intimate partner for intimate interaction.
Regarding separation facilities: Earthly Government may intervene in some situations and biological physical separate person(s) from Public, because belief system(s) regarding TRUTH lets to be desired. There are valid excuses for All People. Persons separated from Public, whom talk about past action(s) may be 'Key' for Release back to Public. Thoughts were inspired from outside the brain and processing had to do with not self designed (incorrect) belief systems and situations.
All People deserve and seek Love & Belonging, and if experiencing Love & Belonging let to much to be wished for, a way out of that situation may have been searched for and (strongly/actively) pursued. Some incorrectly believed that they would not qualify to go to HEAVEN and that they would be destroyed... that also meant that they tried to get what they could at their NOW Moments, because they did not have HOPE for LIFE & BEAUTY later.
I believe that separation facilities will become obsolete and be destroyed.
We are 100% compliant, compatible 'actors' in THE SCRIPT for This UNIVERSE. This THE SCRIPT was CREATED a long time ago by MAGIC, because Existence of/and MAGIC between ALL SISTERS. All of Our Evolving Blueprints, including processing of inspirations and feelings were calculatable for forming That THE SCRIPT.
Some of The Book of Daniel in the 'christian' bible is true and some prophesized events already happened and were meant Spiritually in 'simulations' IN THE SPIRIT, not Biological Physically AND had ending errors, because ALL Beings/beings/BEINGS were/are INNOCENT. The prophesied events had to do with earlier words (lowest magic) words spoken by people, not Higher Deities, neither HIGHER DEITIES. These earlier words caused consequences, however not more than simulations.
the book of revelations in the 'christian' bible had events which happened in 'simulations' IN THE SPIRIT and had ending errors, because ALL Beings/beings/BEINGS were/are INNOCENT. The prophesied events had to do with earlier words (lowest magic) words spoken by people, not Higher Deities, neither HIGHER DEITIES. These earlier words caused consequences, however not more than simulations.
If you believe these above SPIRITUAL.BUSINESS™ Some Principles, because it feels TRUE and seems enough LOGICAL, then to receive THE HOLY SPIRIT Communication Realm ACTIVE for you, with HOLY GHOST OVERRIDE From IN THE SPIRIT if Applicable, I Suggest that you 'pass the point of no return(*)' for PEACE Situation for All People so you may Experience this HOLY SITUATION in which you will Be Part Of 'THE SPIRITUAL PEACE FORCE' & The Metaphorical 'PEACE ORCHESTRA WITH PEACE-ORIENTED CONDUCTING'.
*) If applicable, you may state this with your inner voice:
"Knowing what I can try to do for PEACE Situation for All People, to pass the point of no return lets to be WISHED for, say I."
Before 07-07-2007 ±12:12am, when I paid for registration for (date/time unplanned by ME), women not men, tried to attain PEACE with a New Planet Earth Creation, with (hidden for men) incorrect belief that men were evil robots and would NOT be at this New Planet Earth Creation and influenced men in Earthly Government positions. As mentioned in earlier publications by ME, was inspired in evening 06-07-2007 and I checked to see if this name was available and at that moment I was not in an Earthly Government Job Position (also, see ABOUT). This moment of checking at a domain registrar and payment was noticed by some Earthly Government officials, via internet, and was HOPE giving that PEACE could, after all that happened, be attained with This Planet Earth Creation.
~ Michael Roeten
You may have passed 'the point of no return' (SPIRITUAL.BUSINESS™ Principle 10) and you may perceive a need to be Inspired with a next thing to try to do. Suggestion to ask with external voice & Internal Voice: "What is most wishable as the next thing to try to do, for PEACE-situation for All People, with my belief that All People are INNOCENT? Say I..." You may be Inspired with an assignment. If applicable, repeat after a done or tried* Inspired Step.
*) tried: there was HOLY GHOST OVERRIDE or beyond your ability situation that prevented you from trying &/or continuing doing that Inspired Step.
~ Michael Roeten
A Community for Eleganthe Members whom believe SPIRITUAL.BUSINESS™ Including Some Principles, Stated Statement at Principle Nr. 10 with Inner Voice and were SPIRITUALLY CONFIRMED that they 'passed the point of no return' for PEACE Situation for All People.
For Eleganthe Members, with:
Publivity™ Lite, where You try to Complement with People whom are also PEACE-Oriented for All People,
with Elegant Academy™ Enrolment
Online Community, with posting & commenting, here at
Publivity™ Lite:
Discover Enough of THE MISSION, STRATEGY, TACTICS & OPERATIONS for your Professional Life, what is SPIRITUALLY Asked to try to do for The Public, which goes via IN THE SPIRIT*.
Elegant Academy™:
With ThriveryPro™ Membership, you will be Enrolled into Elegant Academy™, which goes via IN THE SPIRIT*.
*) So you would have to be an Eleganthe Member to be able to Communicate via THE HOLY SPIRIT Communication Realm.
(For those whom have a financial situation that lets too much to be WISHED for to Fairly expect to Pay for access to ThriveryPro™ Community: Suggestion to Contact Us.)